Interior Motives Blog
July/August Blog: Furniture and buying trends
Posted by Will Smith on
Home Improvements: Where do I begin?
Posted by Will Smith on

When trying to determine which home projects you should tackle first here are a few things to consider. 1. Do I have any projects that are potentially dangerous or unsafe for my guest and family? If so they should be moved to the top of the priority list. Whether it is a loose shutter that hangs above the front door or faulty wiring, you should address issues that could be potentially dangerous or fatal. Consider these items first priority and then work on getting estimates to have them repaired or educate yourself on how to address the situation. 2. ...
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- Tags: budgeting, interior design, remodeling
5 Pieces To Make Your Barbecue a Huge Hit
Posted by Shekeyse Jones on

This post is for those of us who take advantage of the beautiful weather by spending the time we do have, outdoors. We're all wanting to invite our friends and family to enjoy a great meal, conversation, and music. This season we wanted to tell you about outdoor furniture pieces that we think will be a big hit at your next barbecue and outdoor business gatherings. Businesses that have outdoor areas should have an outdoor space that is beautiful and that meets their company's needs. Generate more revenue for your company by providing your patrons with a great outdoor area. With...
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- Tags: blog post, charlotte, charlotte furniture store, charlotte modern furniture store, dining table, interior motives by will smith, modern furniture store, north carolina, outdoor furniture
3 Tips for Decorating an Ordinary Hallway
Posted by Shekeyse Jones on

When thinking about decorating your home or office space we have design ideas and plans of how we would like our living rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms to look, but we have overlooked our hallways. The hallway is normally a small space, but it is just as important as the other areas in the home or office. It is the "appetizer before the entree," meaning this space should leave an impression on you that desires more. In many homes and businesses it's the first space to encounter before getting to the beloved living room, kitchen,or bedroom. So, how do we take an ordinary hallway and give it a makeover it...
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- Tags: ceiling tiles, hallway, hallway decor, lighting, tips to decorate hallway, wall decor, wallpaper
3 Tips to Make a Small Bedroom Look Bigger
Posted by Will Smith on

While many of us would like to have a large room to fit all kinds of furniture in, and then some, not everyone is lucky enough to have a huge bedroom. If you like living within city limits, you will usually have to suffice for an average-sized bedroom that will fit only a handful of your furniture. So the question here is, how can you make your room look bigger without spending a fortune and literally tearing the walls down to expand it? Read on to follow some simple tricks that will make your room look bigger in no time,...
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- Tags: angles, bigger, blogpost, CharlotteNC, functional, furniture, make small bedroom bigger, paint, rooms appear bigger, small bedroom, tip blog, tips, tips to make small bedroom bigger